A Worldwide Online Blessing being shared by Father Hans Bjoern
Kroneberg :
Letter from Abp. de Coster re: Our 31st! [Click Expand button on r/h bottom of page])
31st Anniversary - by Abp. Philippe de Coster of Flanders!
Celebration of the Mass - November 2, 2008 [pt. 1]
Celebration of the Mass - November 2, 2008 (pt. 2)
The Sacrament of Holy Communion at St. Michael's June 1, 2008:
[Opening part 2, is actually part 1]
St. Michael's 6/1/08
St. Michael's 6/1/08, part 2
[6/1/08] Comentario de la Sra. Aurora Arslan en Espanol:
[6/1/08] Father Bjoern Kroneberg's Sermon:
Father Eric Ong's Blessing (at Mass' end):
[Father Eric]
A Brief History of St. Michael's Mission, circa 1980's
And Further History of St. Michael's (part 1)
(part 2)
(part 3)
A slide-show of St. Michael's through the years. Thank you for viewing!
Here are links to religious organizations (including our North American
Old Roman Catholic Church).
The Byzantine Catholic Church (Independent Jurisdiction)
Mar Markus the 1st has been ecumenically associated with St. Michaels from the beginning. |
His Holiness Mar Markus the 1st, has been a beloved friend and patron of our mission since it's inception- almost 30 years.
JONATHAN CID - Old Catholic Seminarian and friend!
Father Nathan - Speaking on 'Being An Old Catholic Priest'
* North American Old Roman Catholic Church / Official Webpage *
North American Old Roman Catholic Church Diocesan Bookstore
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Thank you for viewing!